Team statistics history

Team statistics history - New Zealand
Statistics last updated: 1/19/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [5 hour(s) ago]
Page of 237 | Records 1 to 30 - 7081 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/19/2025 0:052:13:53:50 345,948 646
01/18/2025 0:046:22:02:51 328,608 611
01/17/2025 0:055:11:01:49 344,407 638
01/16/2025 0:050:14:58:34 323,281 598
01/15/2025 0:053:17:42:21 348,220 644
01/14/2025 0:036:05:47:42 243,012 449
01/13/2025 0:054:21:38:39 345,169 641
01/12/2025 0:039:00:05:45 257,339 473
01/11/2025 0:092:11:13:58 668,394 1,228
01/10/2025 0:006:01:59:41 37,752 70
12/07/2024 0:000:15:05:50 4,646 9
12/06/2024 0:058:19:05:50 404,331 756
12/05/2024 0:059:15:26:34 401,346 751
12/04/2024 0:056:10:45:40 394,061 746
12/03/2024 0:069:09:39:10 467,184 871
12/02/2024 0:065:13:55:38 448,762 849
12/01/2024 0:063:22:05:08 436,340 821
11/30/2024 0:066:00:04:49 488,956 921
11/29/2024 0:065:03:10:14 448,240 850
11/28/2024 0:067:08:27:58 407,455 772
11/27/2024 0:062:05:08:39 445,586 846
11/26/2024 0:058:21:32:09 400,988 758
11/25/2024 0:056:09:32:36 397,351 731
11/24/2024 0:059:14:27:04 411,758 776
11/23/2024 0:057:08:55:40 420,504 787
11/22/2024 0:070:15:46:31 494,580 905
11/21/2024 0:076:21:15:35 535,089 972
11/20/2024 0:060:14:52:45 414,046 755
11/19/2024 0:048:15:05:34 308,202 575
11/18/2024 0:054:21:09:26 333,822 643

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