Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Kansas State University
Statistics last updated: 10/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [12 hour(s) ago]
Page of 109 | Records 1 to 60 - 6523 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
09/01/2024 0:000:16:42:52 2,715 5
08/31/2024 0:000:03:17:17 538 1
08/30/2024 0:000:11:06:31 2,009 4
08/27/2024 0:000:22:21:57 3,701 7
08/01/2024 0:000:03:13:29 488 1
07/30/2024 0:000:03:13:08 557 1
07/26/2024 0:011:16:47:19 45,823 88
07/25/2024 0:000:12:45:30 3,302 4
07/24/2024 0:002:02:49:05 12,927 16
07/23/2024 0:008:22:04:34 49,378 68
04/18/2024 0:000:06:30:41 1,020 2
03/28/2024 0:000:02:11:34 465 1
03/27/2024 0:000:05:05:44 1,336 3
03/25/2024 0:000:08:50:58 1,356 3
03/24/2024 0:000:08:04:28 2,644 5
03/22/2024 0:000:03:13:37 1,064 2
03/20/2024 0:000:04:11:34 1,470 3
03/19/2024 0:000:17:47:20 5,853 12
03/18/2024 0:001:01:23:48 8,411 17
03/17/2024 0:001:08:11:02 10,687 21
03/16/2024 0:000:04:41:11 1,625 3
03/13/2024 0:000:02:55:04 608 2
03/12/2024 0:000:01:29:31 411 1
03/11/2024 0:000:01:25:26 409 1
03/10/2024 0:000:20:22:46 5,452 12
03/09/2024 0:000:18:11:58 5,109 12
03/08/2024 0:001:13:17:44 10,210 24
03/07/2024 0:007:18:13:10 42,123 88
03/06/2024 0:008:23:42:57 41,560 83
03/05/2024 0:005:01:54:32 22,393 42
03/04/2024 0:000:18:47:02 3,124 6
03/03/2024 0:000:03:23:13 525 1
03/02/2024 0:000:19:01:46 3,218 6
03/01/2024 0:000:22:41:39 3,741 7
02/29/2024 0:003:06:36:52 13,115 25
02/28/2024 0:001:22:34:17 7,755 15
02/27/2024 0:000:12:26:41 2,011 4
02/26/2024 0:002:05:30:16 8,777 17
02/25/2024 0:006:08:32:14 25,972 51
02/24/2024 0:009:18:40:28 39,968 76
02/23/2024 0:049:13:50:16 201,839 383
02/22/2024 0:046:02:05:10 190,768 366
02/21/2024 0:044:20:52:19 186,393 355
02/20/2024 0:051:22:01:48 218,382 410
02/19/2024 0:045:12:03:13 189,753 366
02/18/2024 0:056:06:56:11 232,898 446
02/17/2024 0:044:04:05:00 184,188 347
02/16/2024 0:050:19:19:44 215,054 407
02/15/2024 0:054:01:35:18 223,666 428
02/14/2024 0:047:23:55:27 198,507 379
02/13/2024 0:049:02:32:13 203,530 390
02/12/2024 0:051:22:13:55 216,466 417
02/11/2024 0:047:23:57:46 198,252 376
02/10/2024 0:048:14:49:24 198,694 382
02/09/2024 0:047:13:54:57 192,542 378
02/08/2024 0:045:20:20:38 190,033 377
02/07/2024 0:043:04:29:07 177,885 348
02/06/2024 0:051:22:10:33 223,271 454
02/05/2024 0:042:20:32:35 180,017 347
02/03/2024 0:041:03:54:27 165,217 322

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