Team statistics history

Team statistics history - SMU-Shanghai Maritime University
Statistics last updated: 10/6/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [11 hour(s) ago]
Page of 9 | Records 1 to 60 - 490 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
02/11/2022 0:000:02:31:28 607 1
01/25/2022 0:000:02:09:21 499 1
01/06/2022 0:000:02:57:07 705 1
01/04/2022 0:000:06:00:54 1,392 2
01/02/2022 0:000:02:49:01 643 1
01/01/2022 0:000:02:50:26 680 1
12/30/2021 0:000:02:42:57 641 1
12/22/2021 0:000:02:58:14 693 1
10/10/2021 0:000:00:55:56 186 1
10/08/2021 0:000:01:41:35 391 2
10/07/2021 0:000:00:56:16 267 1
09/11/2021 0:000:02:48:19 644 1
09/10/2021 0:000:05:07:11 1,292 2
09/09/2021 0:000:04:34:16 1,209 2
09/08/2021 0:000:04:58:11 1,217 2
09/07/2021 0:000:05:21:14 1,284 2
07/26/2021 0:000:02:44:44 624 1
07/25/2021 0:000:03:07:37 688 1
07/20/2021 0:000:02:31:51 616 1
06/29/2021 0:000:02:14:28 576 1
06/28/2021 0:000:02:19:39 572 1
06/26/2021 0:000:07:09:02 1,772 3
06/23/2021 0:000:07:12:24 1,708 3
06/22/2021 0:000:08:40:52 2,088 4
06/21/2021 0:000:02:26:54 613 1
06/20/2021 0:000:02:29:53 660 1
06/17/2021 0:000:02:28:51 612 1
06/16/2021 0:000:07:26:44 1,742 3
06/10/2021 0:000:03:05:11 711 1
06/08/2021 0:000:02:28:50 612 1
06/05/2021 0:000:02:34:58 663 1
06/02/2021 0:000:02:43:07 735 1
05/31/2021 0:000:04:58:41 1,288 2
05/30/2021 0:000:02:27:54 659 1
05/29/2021 0:000:02:53:16 777 1
05/27/2021 0:000:02:16:38 595 1
05/26/2021 0:000:06:21:48 1,711 3
05/19/2021 0:000:06:42:50 1,701 3
05/18/2021 0:000:02:03:49 498 1
05/12/2021 0:000:08:30:45 2,096 4
05/11/2021 0:000:02:15:20 617 1
05/08/2021 0:000:02:14:32 438 1
05/07/2021 0:000:06:39:08 1,729 3
04/29/2021 0:000:02:15:12 553 1
04/27/2021 0:000:04:33:53 1,108 2
04/26/2021 0:000:04:45:41 1,250 2
04/25/2021 0:000:06:49:58 1,672 3
04/24/2021 0:000:02:17:45 559 1
04/21/2021 0:000:04:16:27 1,017 2
04/20/2021 0:000:04:24:26 1,121 2
04/19/2021 0:000:06:12:20 1,602 3
04/18/2021 0:000:04:38:35 1,164 2
04/16/2021 0:000:02:31:54 618 1
04/13/2021 0:000:02:20:01 592 1
04/05/2021 0:000:06:48:27 1,728 3
03/31/2021 0:000:04:28:55 1,142 2
03/30/2021 0:000:04:27:25 1,152 2
03/28/2021 0:000:02:13:07 549 1
03/23/2021 0:000:02:27:26 618 1
03/15/2021 0:000:08:50:44 2,364 4

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Page of 9 | Records 1 to 60 - 490 total  | records per page

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