Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 4/18/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [15 hour(s) ago]
Page of 42 | Records 1 to 60 - 2486 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/03/2015 0:009:19:12:21 45,004 160
05/02/2015 0:021:09:49:52 125,111 429
05/01/2015 0:022:21:41:12 168,492 468
04/30/2015 0:026:00:46:14 145,460 343
04/29/2015 0:020:13:49:27 103,397 257
04/28/2015 0:013:04:50:49 55,597 146
04/27/2015 0:013:10:00:39 55,578 150
04/26/2015 0:009:11:52:46 39,184 105
04/25/2015 0:008:03:57:50 32,822 97
04/24/2015 0:010:06:05:46 38,316 121
04/23/2015 0:014:06:52:37 56,365 255
04/22/2015 0:011:18:10:08 57,636 375
04/21/2015 0:014:20:24:31 83,145 552
04/20/2015 0:009:15:50:20 58,088 295
04/19/2015 0:010:13:34:52 49,467 354
04/18/2015 0:014:09:10:41 70,094 419
04/17/2015 0:014:22:43:44 90,649 603
04/16/2015 0:014:16:18:53 54,154 259
04/15/2015 0:016:12:08:48 50,902 233
04/14/2015 0:007:10:21:10 29,446 104
04/13/2015 0:009:15:15:55 37,708 114
04/12/2015 0:013:06:32:12 53,490 154
04/11/2015 0:011:11:58:47 44,933 132
04/10/2015 0:009:00:44:46 33,381 98
04/09/2015 0:008:11:12:57 41,113 107
04/08/2015 0:009:16:39:09 46,895 150
04/07/2015 0:011:14:16:04 48,350 212
04/06/2015 0:010:23:04:02 36,734 113
04/05/2015 0:011:17:07:55 37,423 140
04/04/2015 0:008:06:39:51 36,328 124
04/03/2015 0:009:14:35:11 37,207 112
04/02/2015 0:013:13:34:43 61,394 228
04/01/2015 0:020:02:35:59 101,380 348
03/31/2015 0:018:16:09:11 93,967 377
03/30/2015 0:015:07:33:08 131,344 562
03/29/2015 0:018:21:23:49 106,253 701
03/28/2015 0:018:11:22:03 83,507 278
03/27/2015 0:016:20:24:39 82,636 318
03/26/2015 0:016:20:40:07 102,903 960
03/25/2015 0:015:19:56:27 132,366 735
03/24/2015 0:015:13:05:50 99,650 644
03/23/2015 0:015:11:54:39 134,196 764
03/22/2015 0:017:15:39:38 89,028 298
03/21/2015 0:018:11:38:32 118,646 348
03/20/2015 0:016:06:39:35 87,522 333
03/19/2015 0:016:21:57:13 64,431 295
03/18/2015 0:018:19:12:17 165,567 1,307
03/17/2015 0:016:14:09:50 182,144 350
03/16/2015 0:024:21:06:59 107,790 337
03/15/2015 0:022:00:15:50 80,402 148
03/14/2015 0:027:07:06:23 91,529 198
03/13/2015 0:020:03:36:40 69,400 157
03/12/2015 0:019:21:21:24 79,812 191
03/11/2015 0:024:05:37:16 89,138 191
03/10/2015 0:021:06:08:35 82,052 200
03/09/2015 0:019:09:01:52 74,492 151
03/08/2015 0:018:09:10:49 66,457 155
03/07/2015 0:018:13:57:46 70,250 163
03/06/2015 0:016:14:48:10 63,259 166
03/05/2015 0:018:13:11:25 71,980 156

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