Team statistics history

Team statistics history - IBM Massachusetts
Statistics last updated: 10/14/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [27 hour(s) ago]
Page of 214 | Records 1 to 30 - 6413 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/15/2024 0:010:03:23:01 82,472 151
10/14/2024 0:012:22:02:31 111,963 208
10/13/2024 0:011:04:20:18 98,180 182
10/12/2024 0:010:05:05:36 92,603 161
10/11/2024 0:008:03:07:02 74,868 134
10/10/2024 0:006:20:24:06 47,237 88
10/09/2024 0:014:13:55:28 104,786 200
10/08/2024 0:012:23:26:33 96,451 183
10/07/2024 0:022:03:43:50 155,120 293
10/06/2024 0:021:15:14:18 164,263 311
10/05/2024 0:018:03:14:17 137,432 260
10/04/2024 0:016:13:20:56 115,114 218
10/03/2024 0:019:11:43:53 136,673 259
10/02/2024 0:018:21:21:37 132,857 253
10/01/2024 0:020:13:57:54 147,570 280
09/30/2024 0:019:12:32:16 147,015 280
09/29/2024 0:022:17:34:00 171,087 325
09/28/2024 0:019:06:06:42 142,819 271
09/27/2024 0:017:23:09:17 128,231 248
09/26/2024 0:019:20:20:51 148,985 286
09/25/2024 0:020:00:13:29 147,419 286
09/24/2024 0:018:09:41:32 132,449 259
09/23/2024 0:018:03:13:23 126,707 253
09/22/2024 0:016:14:16:14 108,983 219
09/21/2024 0:014:09:37:21 99,403 204
09/20/2024 0:014:16:44:28 88,441 190
09/19/2024 0:015:03:04:26 83,239 185
09/18/2024 0:010:04:00:04 58,370 111
09/17/2024 0:010:21:48:15 61,260 119
09/16/2024 0:012:15:27:52 77,500 153

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