Team statistics history

Team statistics history - All Bikers Team
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 38 | Records 1 to 30 - 1115 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
11/30/2012 0:000:08:03:06 866 2
11/27/2012 0:000:05:49:06 1,022 2
11/22/2012 0:000:03:36:47 740 1
11/21/2012 0:000:14:30:23 2,385 5
11/20/2012 0:000:06:21:57 1,097 2
11/15/2012 0:000:05:10:36 930 1
11/14/2012 0:000:11:50:16 2,229 2
11/13/2012 0:000:09:34:46 1,591 2
11/12/2012 0:000:03:30:44 517 1
11/11/2012 0:000:06:54:48 1,113 1
11/10/2012 0:000:02:59:08 491 1
11/09/2012 0:000:07:23:33 1,160 1
11/07/2012 0:000:18:00:44 2,743 5
11/06/2012 0:000:21:52:05 3,482 4
11/05/2012 0:000:14:31:21 2,536 3
11/04/2012 0:001:05:14:03 4,946 6
11/03/2012 0:001:10:13:36 5,917 6
11/02/2012 0:000:14:18:22 2,294 2
10/29/2012 0:000:05:53:49 995 1
10/28/2012 0:000:07:39:30 1,350 1
10/26/2012 0:000:15:29:21 1,750 2
10/25/2012 0:002:04:56:10 8,395 10
10/24/2012 0:002:13:03:44 10,193 10
10/23/2012 0:001:16:37:40 6,786 9
10/22/2012 0:002:01:23:16 9,037 12
10/21/2012 0:001:04:53:10 5,123 7
10/20/2012 0:001:07:12:04 5,855 5
10/19/2012 0:000:20:51:38 3,792 5
10/18/2012 0:001:05:52:03 5,222 6
10/17/2012 0:001:02:15:36 4,630 4

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