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Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: The Knights Who Say Ni!
Statistics last updated: 9/20/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [0 hour(s) ago]
Page of 2 | Records 1 to 50 - 84 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
KWSN-A Shrubbery 01/11/2006 287:143:10:48:49 366,221,514 753,551
branjo 06/29/2012 118:312:22:09:40 262,449,066 735,478
uplinger 01/19/2013 [03/20/2014] 138:206:11:51:58 193,148,705 391,251
KWSN-SpongeBob SquarePants 07/08/2014 97:277:00:48:14 142,730,768 337,290
Juha Seppinen 08/03/2009 91:209:10:33:55 190,169,848 310,835
KWSN-Gemjunkie 11/22/2010 73:339:07:10:51 153,583,430 272,164
dfclipsham 12/03/2006 130:295:11:01:35 144,350,212 244,189
Old Iron 07/29/2020 45:361:06:20:13 199,701,592 200,991
KWSN-The Dark Knight 02/27/2019 53:345:08:49:21 171,093,392 197,058
Mexelplex 03/01/2013 70:159:03:33:10 118,496,790 182,708
dirk.blaine 03/16/2014 23:244:08:05:19 69,806,036 180,408
neoparadox 07/15/2011 43:155:10:36:13 99,267,583 163,786
Liquidware 07/18/2011 39:109:13:19:44 69,373,797 152,423
Rick A. Sponholz 07/08/2009 59:141:17:27:07 82,937,603 144,750
Genmed 12/06/2006 112:019:18:12:46 93,955,094 139,912
DaFaDa 07/21/2006 30:320:00:26:29 62,129,813 115,721
Twiggabe 06/03/2006 19:179:01:04:06 55,461,175 103,075
funkybomber 01/23/2010 37:363:03:38:59 61,547,156 102,781
LanDroid 05/10/2006 35:316:23:14:44 51,654,346 99,285
Idan Shifres 12/26/2008 37:107:05:30:58 44,231,714 75,352
[KWSN]John Galt 007 01/19/2010 26:151:10:20:30 40,083,282 66,000
Sir Stooper 03/31/2020 11:237:22:43:43 60,481,995 60,087
Blurf 09/17/2011 13:177:07:01:21 28,358,840 57,321
Yankton 10/07/2008 11:044:21:04:35 24,102,200 55,007
williamd007 02/11/2011 11:092:08:16:56 25,154,334 54,838
KWSN - Tony A. T. Mendina 01/03/2009 17:184:01:19:03 33,256,706 51,938
KWSN Sir Clark 02/06/2006 12:327:18:45:51 27,145,613 48,538
ibkidd37 08/27/2013 15:287:10:46:47 30,009,992 47,721
windisch 01/06/2009 10:303:18:46:40 26,149,425 38,623
finesse 09/25/2007 13:009:08:51:26 26,489,621 37,870
Quacky 07/22/2017 12:284:02:54:05 25,347,942 32,101
Sir Cracked of the Mind 04/07/2012 9:307:18:04:34 18,420,317 30,434
paul.cartwright73 06/04/2015 [02/28/2017] 12:160:04:52:16 19,011,800 24,594
DannyBoy 03/17/2009 7:354:05:31:17 14,797,913 23,491
jlanecole 12/29/2011 7:145:13:11:03 21,000,640 20,353
[KWSN] multijumper 11/29/2012 6:249:16:20:18 14,602,036 18,895
JavaPersona 02/04/2006 6:118:03:53:52 10,746,416 18,270
falconlock8990 11/10/2018 8:055:04:13:36 13,677,281 18,083
Michael Tillman 11/12/2013 5:024:00:27:50 9,995,619 17,503
Wellough 08/22/2014 4:171:06:59:20 8,339,041 13,691
ATaRi 05/11/2007 4:131:15:41:28 8,693,316 12,991
THoR1971 12/30/2020 2:135:19:49:55 5,954,401 11,105
KRMurphy 06/04/2018 3:161:01:06:10 9,429,012 10,505
mistageko 03/05/2013 2:360:09:31:14 6,844,788 9,115
gregmiret 12/03/2018 2:031:11:13:44 5,357,665 8,785
KWSN_Michelle 02/06/2006 1:158:08:08:14 3,383,223 8,526
Nightwish! 04/12/2012 2:035:03:35:36 5,646,184 6,722
Scott Cox 12/03/2021 4:022:18:09:15 3,536,571 6,523

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