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24 Mar 2016 – Researchers Partner with World Community Grid to Help Stop a Leading Killer
Tuberculosis is one of the world's most prevalent and deadly infectious diseases. Researchers from the University of Nottingham, UK, have partnered with World Community Grid to take a close look at the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, so that scientists can develop more effective treatments.   
  Tags: Event or Milestone
21 Mar 2016 – Approximately 200 million virtual dockings and Counting: An Update on Outsmart Ebola Together
In this project update, Dr. Erica Ollman Sapphire covers many fronts on the fight against Ebola, from the long-term effects of the disease on survivors, to her team's continued experiments using World Community Grid and their work with other Ebola researchers.  
  Tags: Project Update
08 Mar 2016 – Researchers Identify Key Proteins in the Fight Against Leishmaniasis
In this project update, Dr. Carlos Muskus outlines the discovery of three important proteins which may help find better treatments for a neglected disease that strikes millions of people every year.  
  Tags: Project Update
26 Feb 2016 – Musician, Science Buff, Volunteer
Meet Chris, a multi-talented volunteer from France, who explains why he joined World Community Grid.  
  Tags: Behind the Scenes
22 Feb 2016 – Estamos prontos para ajudar a combater o Zika
À medida que a epidemia do virus Zika se espalha, e os voluntários do World Community Grid perguntam se o poder de computação deles pode ser doado para ajudar a encontrar novas vacinas ou tratamentos, estamos ativamente à procura de pesquisadores envolvidos com o tema que precisem conduzir pesquisas apoiadas em computação.  
  Tags: Event or Milestone
22 Feb 2016 – Estamos listos para ayudar a combatir el Zika
A medida que el brote del Zika se propaga, y mientras los voluntarios de World Community Grid consultan si su capacidad de cómputo donada puede usarse para ayudar a encotrar nuevas vacunas o tratamientos, buscamos activamente investigadores del Zika que requieran llevar a cabo estudios computacionales.  
  Tags: Event or Milestone
16 Feb 2016 – Network Updates: Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 4:30am UTC [ Complete ]
Network updates will be performed Sunday, February 21st. The World Community Grid website and BOINC servers may be affected during this update. [ Completed ]   
  Tags: Technical Issue
15 Feb 2016 – FightAIDS@Home Researchers Test New Simulation Methods
The research team for Phase 2 of FightAIDS@Home is developing and testing new ways to use the vast computing power of World Community Grid. Their goal is to build on the results from Phase 1 while using volunteers' resources as efficiently as possible.  
  Tags: Project Update
12 Feb 2016 – Web server upgrade
We have upgraded our web server to the latest version of the IBM HTTP Server 8.5 in order to enable the latest version of encryption for secure web communications.  
  Tags: Website Update
08 Feb 2016 – We're Ready to Help Fight Zika
As the Zika outbreak spreads, and World Community Grid volunteers ask if their donated computing power can be used to help find new vaccines or treatments, we are actively searching for Zika researchers who need to conduct computational research.  
  Tags: Event or Milestone

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