Team Member Details

Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: BOINC.BE
Statistics last updated: 10/14/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [29 hour(s) ago]
Page of 2 | Records 1 to 50 - 67 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
[AF>Belgique] bill1170 10/16/2007 [01/25/2009] 0:212:04:55:49 631,102 1,021
[BAT] Jack Raby 09/27/2007 1:276:20:36:45 2,586,076 4,931
[BAT] Svennemans 05/24/2021 0:018:06:57:54 151,031 275
adewouters 04/23/2018 1:072:12:11:42 3,573,434 4,989
Alain Maes 01/05/2006 44:073:20:26:10 73,887,039 106,379
Alex_Van_den_Broeck 09/27/2007 1:199:03:54:11 3,121,499 5,650
Amarouq 10/01/2007 6:117:08:02:51 28,634,033 32,859
Ameziane-Hassani Damien 04/18/2012 [09/23/2014] 0:034:12:30:51 72,038 114
android.timothy 01/09/2015 4:093:05:15:08 6,557,143 10,779
Bart Jans 10/01/2024 0:000:03:41:08 1,814 4
Blaffetuur 10/08/2018 1:270:11:31:59 12,377,207 6,983
bvl007 09/25/2016 [04/27/2024] 16:160:16:11:03 23,765,002 38,597
Chris Skull 01/05/2011 [04/04/2011] 0:193:14:20:52 495,567 833
Count Vitus 01/20/2006 3:054:01:01:33 1,944,282 4,065
darkcrystal33 06/16/2006 [10/17/2011] 2:306:01:30:24 2,647,826 5,973
dgedge1 12/16/2010 47:030:19:09:31 104,420,761 155,343
dieussaertm 04/12/2011 4:240:21:24:59 7,025,752 11,717
doutz 05/31/2006 [01/17/2007] 0:108:11:17:31 91,204 275
ErikV 11/02/2009 12:282:06:37:11 25,695,061 52,858
ET1 05/26/2008 [06/18/2009] 0:026:02:22:34 22,677 42
Forifex 01/10/2011 [10/22/2021] 0:205:00:32:09 725,700 1,294
frankvr 02/09/2009 [03/21/2014] 0:037:18:08:10 94,925 183
funman 11/11/2006 4:242:08:09:14 4,479,504 7,206
HansS 12/13/2008 23:248:20:12:14 34,949,762 59,510
helos 10/29/2013 3:077:22:21:24 10,418,719 12,476
HerrVirgilius 11/16/2017 0:074:17:49:31 376,573 595
Jack H 01/16/2006 43:006:15:12:00 42,738,579 83,689
jayBee666 11/26/2009 [09/01/2017] 2:273:04:11:55 3,827,484 5,062
jdelhaxhe 08/28/2008 1:006:12:22:31 1,159,973 2,127
John-Francis 02/13/2010 [06/18/2013] 9:245:13:10:21 8,250,902 13,509
Kenoobie 12/08/2009 [02/18/2010] 0:003:22:33:10 10,307 19
kindersg 08/21/2016 6:206:20:34:39 5,903,199 9,462
Kolimang 03/24/2010 2:164:02:36:13 2,794,005 4,601
Lehtori 02/11/2006 5:192:15:20:00 11,619,107 18,668
Lektermaran 07/09/2008 1:016:06:29:56 2,751,173 4,902
LemRay 10/23/2007 [01/14/2015] 0:047:12:24:21 139,444 206
Leto2626 01/01/2007 32:182:19:47:32 51,647,602 87,430
longfeu 05/24/2021 0:125:01:31:19 1,692,690 1,381
Luc Ducazu 06/18/2006 11:138:21:48:18 21,007,531 34,867
m0320174 02/13/2021 6:091:21:09:48 41,424,880 36,526
Marten_BE 05/30/2014 0:251:03:39:53 860,825 1,390
Mat_Max 04/08/2024 [04/09/2024] 0:000:17:47:01 6,238 11
momo19 11/03/2009 [03/07/2010] 0:008:08:33:20 24,176 42
naudred 04/11/2015 0:085:16:28:57 564,763 948
niklaas251 08/23/2019 2:129:15:21:21 2,858,294 4,505

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