Team Member Details

Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: DAMONES 1991
Statistics last updated: 10/21/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 12 - 12 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
biini 06/05/2020 127:101:23:08:28 4,131,003,783 1,298,540
Claustro 04/26/2021 0:026:09:29:20 39,138,620 3,826
codise 04/18/2021 0:257:06:48:38 131,201,814 23,435
dunkku 05/21/2020 4:123:17:57:27 105,785,537 38,755
Freld 09/14/2021 0:008:06:34:37 20,519,255 5,219
hoffi 08/07/2021 21:201:23:13:38 22,748,636 40,309
hypo 06/08/2020 68:217:01:34:32 1,741,129,151 524,656
naffeFIN 04/27/2021 8:343:21:29:37 654,390,349 160,918
Ringo 06/05/2020 28:159:08:35:18 384,492,405 167,125
Speedu 06/05/2020 4:006:15:36:11 39,118,897 26,064
zamdee 06/05/2020 1:188:03:25:38 177,527,400 34,901

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