Team Member Details

Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: Israeli Team
Statistics last updated: 9/20/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [1 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 16 - 16 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
Mordechai 03/09/2015 51:272:07:16:43 223,782,928 255,505
DxCK 12/22/2012 78:254:20:16:59 140,665,318 212,259
idayter 09/11/2008 116:114:12:16:52 112,027,155 178,208
cue12 12/27/2012 42:293:07:21:58 80,876,734 125,570
www3735 08/26/2013 16:066:18:08:45 23,730,362 33,742
EITAN_B 06/06/2018 5:134:14:03:00 20,291,225 28,481
Ohad21 09/17/2014 6:264:19:27:13 20,167,186 28,974
John-J 08/29/2009 2:105:06:28:31 7,314,879 9,437
Renan Rocha 11/29/2017 3:129:09:46:56 6,640,132 10,619
bgu6 09/01/2009 3:090:00:28:58 6,639,458 11,137
dafna25 08/24/2017 2:204:09:23:23 4,921,485 7,932
MarilynBostick 10/17/2011 2:273:17:46:50 4,217,320 7,265
yrtimid 11/26/2018 3:024:00:02:33 3,685,924 6,299
bmabrams 01/20/2008 1:143:12:14:04 3,163,531 4,675
jalishkov 09/02/2018 1:010:11:14:23 2,265,781 3,734
noamros9 02/26/2018 0:098:13:03:54 393,415 667

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