Team Member Details

Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: Team 2hu
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 5 - 5 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
mi_Core_i6_890XEE@YR1 12/08/2020 676:061:06:03:36 2,571,629,804 2,603,449
rainoden@touhou 12/08/2020 20:263:13:27:43 72,632,233 102,894
Demitel_2341@touhou 12/08/2020 18:292:00:24:09 51,257,858 61,437
SKIMABIT 02/10/2021 0:323:16:46:07 1,467,416 2,527
junknohito 12/29/2020 0:085:11:34:20 491,491 883

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Page of 1 | Records 1 to 5 - 5 total  | records per page
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