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Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: Brony@Home
Statistics last updated: 1/15/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [3 hour(s) ago]
Page of 2 | Records 1 to 50 - 63 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
mishcat 08/23/2012 0:240:07:27:07 632,121 1,103
jherazob 08/23/2012 16:288:12:19:45 36,224,954 61,985
grantgorgen 08/23/2012 [05/27/2021] 0:137:21:12:54 510,817 3,022
AsicFox 08/23/2012 [02/25/2014] 0:051:08:57:21 184,323 223
alisonmc 08/24/2012 [03/06/2014] 0:065:20:38:28 230,707 398
Shadowinplainsight 08/24/2012 0:251:21:10:59 1,084,850 1,699
Froggypwns 08/24/2012 165:359:01:38:42 317,305,117 437,912
supereater14 08/24/2012 [01/09/2022] 1:181:22:24:17 1,812,781 2,488
jthurley 08/24/2012 0:001:08:41:57 4,777 6
D4RK_H013 08/24/2012 50:102:03:23:43 141,899,792 144,872
undead_rattler 08/24/2012 3:222:21:23:51 1,735,152 3,518
OberstSteiner 08/24/2012 3:125:23:53:57 10,563,672 16,859
Jaabi 08/24/2012 3:082:13:56:53 15,206,267 14,804
0x400 08/25/2012 0:179:20:10:18 1,282,985 1,293
obelix_55 08/25/2012 [09/18/2016] 15:302:05:37:39 20,743,596 33,667
ponymorphism 08/25/2012 34:048:06:20:45 68,173,761 100,759
Asymptote 08/26/2012 [11/17/2018] 1:280:19:24:57 4,739,562 8,519
hiromasaki 08/26/2012 10:087:17:32:51 25,296,796 41,959
Exit18 08/27/2012 0:004:19:18:46 22,609 28
Kittenmancer 08/27/2012 80:137:04:19:12 143,504,927 281,002
142536789 08/27/2012 6:120:03:45:54 13,711,011 27,466
Tirrock 08/28/2012 [07/19/2013] 1:283:22:29:18 9,274,025 21,347
thestageiscollapsing 09/11/2012 0:113:16:27:24 236,579 289
Preytor Fenix 09/21/2012 [06/28/2019] 0:053:02:37:30 131,605 169
4YQaUzjsiAHPpfMWkbRWRa1gQPC1 09/24/2012 6:208:05:46:45 18,519,655 25,401
FishKepr 09/29/2012 43:292:19:36:06 68,404,640 154,274
Ashasu 10/10/2012 16:293:06:17:29 49,444,332 85,230
Sr_Atomo 11/09/2012 1:158:08:44:38 5,660,603 2,810
GreenPacifist 12/19/2012 1:112:16:43:55 2,746,409 4,736
SXRXE 06/06/2013 9:035:13:42:52 14,910,252 23,912
xplt 07/21/2013 8:135:23:04:02 5,658,365 13,724
Zacc 08/01/2013 0:003:00:08:45 10,972 31
RoXoR 08/08/2013 [03/24/2020] 0:295:20:13:10 1,583,803 2,774
seatsea 11/03/2013 3:047:19:16:35 5,034,914 8,565
Mr_Hyde 12/10/2013 8:304:18:48:23 26,666,055 42,332
JaegerPony 02/02/2014 16:119:06:44:41 33,375,311 51,440
SmokeGlove 05/18/2014 1:311:09:27:07 1,959,709 3,917
BeneficialBubbles 06/23/2014 12:287:23:24:03 9,899,221 17,455
Insightfill 08/06/2014 21:316:22:16:52 34,407,703 52,842
Shaun Clamp 06/19/2015 [05/31/2021] 8:047:01:12:28 10,498,258 18,635
Ultimaximus 01/11/2016 9:059:19:01:33 42,503,495 50,736
jhabinsk 02/05/2016 5:034:18:38:24 19,211,010 16,288
BigMacintosh 09/20/2016 57:110:23:54:29 82,864,899 149,792
Fisherpon 09/01/2017 2:286:11:54:41 8,027,785 14,637
Violet Rose 12/11/2017 8:292:08:51:52 24,091,897 34,851
Draconikus 04/02/2018 0:225:14:52:12 322,562 574
JonathanZ 09/02/2018 43:284:15:31:46 93,474,054 144,665
zgf2022 03/27/2019 1:169:02:44:33 2,625,425 4,114

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