Team information

Team information

  Name: CAS_IHEP
  Created: 12/07/2009
  Captain: Available
  Country: CHINA
  Type: Unclassified
  Description: 中国科学院高能物理研究所是中国高能物理研究、先进加速器技术的研究开发、先进射线技术及射线应用的综合性研究基地。他的前身是创建于1950年的中国科学院近代物理研究所,后改称物理所、原子能研究所,1973年根据周恩来总理的指示,在原子能研究所一部的基础上组建而成。
  Team Home Page: Click Here To Visit Team Home Page
  BOINC Team Id: 24575

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Team statistics

Statistics last updated: 7/25/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [25 hour(s) ago]
  Current Members 1 (#2,722)
  Retired Members 1
  All-Time Members 2
  Total run time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 51:170:13:35:02 (#2,361)
  Points generated (rank) 78,000,126 (#2,360)
  Results returned (rank) 131,364 (#2,340)
  Avg. run time per calendar day (y:d:h:m:s) 0:003:12:19:08
  Avg. run time per result (y:d:h:m:s) 0:000:03:25:55
  Avg. Points Per Hour of Run Time 173.01
  Avg. Points Per Calendar Day 14,587.64
  Avg. Points Per Result 593.77
  Avg. Results Per Calendar Day 24.57

Statistics by project

Statistics last updated: 7/25/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [25 hour(s) ago]
Project Points
Results returned Total run time (y:d:h:m:s)
OpenPandemics - COVID-19 110,027 192 0:032:12:03:15
Mapping Cancer Markers 29,831,061 37,818 15:222:19:55:58
Beta Testing 106,814 164 0:029:02:33:08
Microbiome Immunity Project 5,283,993 11,744 2:344:02:30:34
OpenZika 611,472 1,387 0:144:09:58:10
FightAIDS@Home - Phase 2 3,251,596 2,260 1:240:08:02:28
Outsmart Ebola Together 3,712 14 0:001:07:36:16
Uncovering Genome Mysteries 1,534,930 2,316 0:229:01:37:48
Computing for Sustainable Water 139,367 315 0:050:18:48:44
Say No to Schistosoma 489,544 1,236 0:134:18:20:59
GO Fight Against Malaria 957,194 1,040 0:351:13:35:45
Drug Search for Leishmaniasis 1,442,103 1,531 1:144:06:01:23
Computing for Clean Water 2,412,898 5,876 2:119:10:31:51
The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 2,179,585 1,782 1:087:17:48:13
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 7,203 15 0:002:10:38:08
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 1,058,469 2,115 1:031:09:02:13
Help Fight Childhood Cancer 934,849 1,176 0:361:19:28:45
Nutritious Rice for the World 218,384 278 0:081:06:26:13
Help Conquer Cancer 3,995,743 17,150 3:217:16:56:22
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 6,824,288 8,387 6:273:13:27:19
FightAIDS@Home 16,334,279 33,994 10:291:11:10:18
Smash Childhood Cancer 181,986 533 0:048:13:57:04
Help Stop TB 90,629 41 0:015:03:04:08

Challenge control panel

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Team member details and statistics

Total run time (hours)

Points generated

Results returned

Team statistics history

14 records | 30 records | 60 records | 365 records

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  • If they have not yet joined World Community Grid, then copy and paste the web address below and send it to them in an email. When they register, the team will be automatically selected for them. Let them know that they will still need to download and install the World Community Grid software.

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