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Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: Italian grid
Statistics last updated: 10/21/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 35 - 35 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
magura65 12/12/2005 212:204:13:12:13 311,443,999 490,871
zdnko 12/03/2005 38:303:15:00:28 136,168,942 114,811
PolarisIlMago 11/26/2005 31:087:00:50:10 32,587,728 51,144
Panepg 12/23/2005 15:200:04:59:25 30,480,844 33,345
claudio_goz 06/13/2014 9:197:20:04:03 4,826,218 7,508
janex 02/17/2006 7:245:10:55:22 19,114,284 33,408
kokoboldo 04/09/2008 7:106:21:57:45 20,351,053 37,728
monfardini 11/23/2005 6:136:23:51:04 14,051,701 22,489
Alessandro Valleggi 11/27/2005 5:051:14:49:14 8,475,007 15,524
linoportici 02/21/2018 4:357:09:18:46 11,530,470 17,477
dardoinritardo 05/22/2007 4:300:08:24:17 3,813,157 6,548
luca2501 09/01/2006 3:338:12:03:31 5,022,393 8,842
amerini_a 12/24/2006 3:308:15:28:19 5,880,843 11,921
sebyhb 11/18/2004 3:229:09:33:54 5,859,136 10,044
ElCresh 01/31/2017 [08/01/2020] 3:018:22:52:49 4,407,106 7,233
It-Alien 03/03/2009 2:314:09:18:41 5,008,482 8,651
windsurfer 03/03/2006 2:220:19:30:28 2,658,960 4,710
marta94 07/02/2007 2:009:11:36:13 3,017,416 5,780
Micascisto 01/04/2013 [06/04/2017] 1:285:15:12:42 867,247 1,335
buffn 11/09/2010 [04/03/2011] 1:284:23:57:39 1,956,180 4,607
vimema 04/18/2006 [05/11/2021] 1:268:22:03:34 3,830,902 6,661
rbdesant 03/19/2007 [07/10/2008] 1:235:11:47:00 428,482 998
Axela 12/31/2004 [02/04/2014] 1:204:04:46:37 1,521,672 2,133
Azhrarn 09/04/2020 1:097:12:18:15 1,733,373 2,914
DeathUman 12/05/2005 [03/22/2016] 0:358:20:47:40 1,309,426 2,155
marianor 04/12/2005 0:241:05:59:31 821,004 1,472
[HWU]Melkor 01/09/2005 [12/02/2007] 0:194:18:37:00 173,527 1,013
sisicop 11/20/2004 [02/29/2008] 0:150:06:12:02 102,380 258
HariSeldon84 02/05/2006 [02/19/2013] 0:119:00:06:07 64,436 143
farmacadd71 01/26/2008 [03/12/2009] 0:107:06:21:16 138,949 223
magodaniele 06/10/2007 [11/02/2008] 0:089:09:39:12 209,737 434
fly92 11/01/2018 [12/13/2018] 0:046:20:15:04 128,548 279
mzardoni 08/02/2005 [12/02/2007] 0:036:09:08:40 11,112 29
nakis 06/29/2020 0:024:04:51:19 227,633 429

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