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Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: Slashdot Users
Statistics last updated: 11/12/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [11 hour(s) ago]
Page of 3 | Records 1 to 50 - 119 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
1dark1 08/01/2013 69:345:07:25:43 149,364,455 201,407
AkBrian 12/31/2005 [04/29/2006] 0:324:05:26:40 272,170 1,704
akoort 01/03/2005 [01/25/2005] 0:014:22:05:31 8,762 31
Al-Hala 12/31/2004 [04/23/2016] 0:062:22:47:48 47,966 152
alpoy 02/04/2007 [05/13/2009] 3:066:04:47:20 2,675,818 5,883
amatern 12/31/2004 13:069:15:42:00 18,210,235 30,142
Arahorn 12/31/2004 1:135:08:57:13 1,578,007 2,856
area_man 01/05/2005 24:099:08:36:57 30,002,560 51,755
AtilaSendil 02/03/2006 [09/29/2015] 3:118:20:32:51 1,488,769 4,094
Auntie M 01/12/2005 11:110:09:47:43 12,490,440 21,907
aurbain 12/31/2004 3:251:20:47:25 3,777,613 6,439
axlaxl 05/08/2005 [01/04/2008] 16:306:05:27:58 5,536,152 14,830
bdxl 12/31/2004 46:274:00:40:03 79,697,689 140,794
BlkItlStl 08/04/2005 [12/13/2007] 0:291:13:57:09 230,726 694
btm 12/31/2004 [05/30/2005] 0:068:23:26:15 21,759 25
burakreis 06/08/2005 [07/11/2007] 0:033:06:44:29 21,043 73
Cinq 11/08/2005 38:320:08:35:24 19,612,301 72,032
cmosentine 12/31/2004 [12/14/2015] 16:279:05:13:57 22,057,396 62,385
codefool 12/31/2004 4:272:04:12:06 5,464,066 9,815
CoolHandLuke 12/31/2004 22:034:13:15:26 28,139,550 59,846
cpetras 01/08/2005 35:300:12:22:40 81,162,835 107,543
Czaruno 12/31/2004 7:100:09:40:16 7,039,457 11,938
Dado_64 07/31/2013 [01/05/2016] 0:246:19:45:05 729,370 1,109
dahldrin 01/08/2005 [01/12/2008] 0:235:20:16:52 212,012 843
debrouxl 12/31/2004 322:141:11:44:33 590,986,013 1,068,156
DerekRost 12/31/2004 3:008:00:24:20 7,544,590 14,162
dlayphoto 12/31/2004 5:040:10:49:14 12,476,330 18,111
dmrisse 03/28/2007 97:184:02:28:18 182,985,622 311,397
Doktor Weasel 02/03/2008 30:023:19:14:17 82,014,743 135,201
Dreamshaper 01/10/2005 [01/19/2005] 0:002:21:03:38 1,271 4
dsmalle 12/31/2004 1:184:09:34:47 3,227,063 5,846
E3ACJA 01/09/2005 22:094:11:38:27 20,887,432 29,275
esoffron 11/08/2007 [10/30/2019] 10:234:15:03:26 16,004,197 24,428
freak132 11/07/2005 [12/03/2012] 8:361:22:35:47 11,660,332 15,466
gprime 01/03/2006 [06/11/2008] 0:073:00:57:34 71,216 312
Gudlyf 12/31/2004 9:306:12:42:10 12,413,757 20,831
gwichman 01/13/2005 66:239:03:01:24 97,151,374 171,760
HadesMeat 12/31/2004 7:263:20:35:20 24,315,937 25,718
HavocXphere 02/03/2008 1:304:08:58:39 3,287,034 5,241
hklopfenstein 12/31/2004 12:284:12:07:24 38,478,370 50,033
housesonwater 01/24/2006 4:034:22:03:08 6,088,440 10,259
Hynee 12/31/2004 1:119:13:47:11 479,257 937
iansquared 12/31/2004 [08/14/2006] 0:012:13:05:38 8,825 20
imigrant 04/10/2008 7:105:14:41:18 7,429,513 12,791
ixos 12/31/2004 [03/04/2014] 3:309:21:26:00 1,877,837 4,585
JBpa 08/02/2013 [01/01/2015] 16:342:16:24:02 25,552,566 50,688
JoeZeff 12/31/2004 6:258:23:36:28 5,777,224 10,538
johnnydtan 06/20/2006 [09/14/2011] 0:004:02:29:52 3,450 17
justanyone 12/31/2004 97:295:21:12:25 151,515,654 243,288

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