Team information

Team information

  Name: Poland
  Created: 11/17/2004
  Captain: Available
  Country: POLAND
  Type: Unclassified
  Description: Zapraszamy do liczenia i myślenia! Pomagamy nauce, ale uwzględniamy też oszczędność surowców, energii i tworzenie wartościowej kultury intelektualnej wokół obliczeń rozproszonych. Jej częścią jest racjonalna ekologia. Tu ( znajdziecie szereg wyważonych opinii i informacji ekologicznych. We help science but we consider saving resources, energy and creation of valuable intellectual culture among distributed computing as well. It's part is rational ecology.
  Team Home Page: Click Here To Visit Team Home Page
  BOINC Team Id: 602

Team control panel

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Team statistics

Statistics last updated: 7/25/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [28 hour(s) ago]
  Current Members 25 (#167)
  Retired Members 28
  All-Time Members 53
  Total run time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 1376:151:03:11:32 (#153)
  Points generated (rank) 2,008,235,892 (#177)
  Results returned (rank) 3,430,090 (#168)
  Avg. run time per calendar day (y:d:h:m:s) 0:069:20:16:01
  Avg. run time per result (y:d:h:m:s) 0:000:03:30:54
  Avg. Points Per Hour of Run Time 166.56
  Avg. Points Per Calendar Day 279,193.09
  Avg. Points Per Result 585.48
  Avg. Results Per Calendar Day 476.87

Statistics by project

Statistics last updated: 7/25/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [28 hour(s) ago]
Project Points
Results returned Total run time (y:d:h:m:s)
OpenPandemics - COVID-19 367,587,258 200,132 36:354:18:38:41
Africa Rainfall Project 30,331,921 6,925 11:159:11:23:34
Mapping Cancer Markers 560,424,726 813,508 289:344:22:35:27
Beta Testing 4,425,107 4,148 1:083:22:22:25
Microbiome Immunity Project 94,178,554 227,854 43:071:09:01:32
OpenZika 50,673,880 131,750 28:164:07:48:10
FightAIDS@Home - Phase 2 70,263,508 70,409 34:282:01:42:08
Outsmart Ebola Together 72,546,822 232,987 40:071:14:13:36
Uncovering Genome Mysteries 23,486,277 36,738 13:336:05:28:14
Computing for Sustainable Water 7,783,945 51,072 5:177:17:52:17
Say No to Schistosoma 15,376,685 24,001 12:031:20:59:08
GO Fight Against Malaria 19,242,560 22,397 14:300:19:40:08
Drug Search for Leishmaniasis 25,283,783 28,957 19:307:09:09:54
Computing for Clean Water 20,944,586 46,615 19:200:17:03:45
The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 28,453,479 27,428 18:311:15:26:39
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 775,359 2,248 0:289:22:36:10
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 41,773,800 85,609 43:117:14:12:50
Influenza Antiviral Drug Search 1,717,062 2,690 1:349:11:37:00
Help Fight Childhood Cancer 28,748,230 36,913 30:053:02:55:31
The Clean Energy Project 3,385,981 3,667 4:080:07:49:38
Nutritious Rice for the World 22,935,148 31,662 28:134:15:39:20
Help Conquer Cancer 134,960,857 406,175 110:004:22:38:44
AfricanClimate@Home 39,995 60 0:022:08:12:47
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together 12,612,811 52,170 18:059:06:50:44
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy 3,437,418 9,925 14:058:11:12:43
Genome Comparison 2,077,687 20,513 7:000:01:45:23
Help Defeat Cancer 913,235 5,004 2:312:14:07:28
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 99,563,256 163,352 135:028:06:34:24
FightAIDS@Home 204,210,034 483,459 276:051:08:22:20
Human Proteome Folding 21,427,573 101,891 93:171:15:32:48
Smash Childhood Cancer 32,748,945 97,385 17:135:18:04:34
Help Stop TB 5,905,410 2,446 2:192:09:33:30

Challenge control panel

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Team member details and statistics

Total run time (hours)

Points generated

Results returned

Team statistics history

14 records | 30 records | 60 records | 365 records

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  • If they already participate in the World Community Grid, then copy and paste the web address below and send it to them in an email. All they need to do to join your team is click on the web address and then click on the join now button on the page that appears.

  • If they have not yet joined World Community Grid, then copy and paste the web address below and send it to them in an email. When they register, the team will be automatically selected for them. Let them know that they will still need to download and install the World Community Grid software.

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