Team Member Details

Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: STEMulate Learning
Statistics last updated: 10/21/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 14 - 14 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
B2I 08/31/2012 [12/01/2012] 3:192:20:18:17 17,218,439 34,673
blackheeler 11/18/2012 [12/22/2012] 0:016:17:53:08 244,880 511
cswchan 11/17/2012 [12/01/2012] 0:012:20:08:12 250,576 561
deltavee 11/27/2012 [11/30/2012] 0:176:03:34:10 7,670,633 17,804
dl1000v 11/22/2012 [12/02/2012] 1:214:10:17:56 1,886,641 2,336
GTCola2010 11/17/2012 [12/01/2012] 0:121:18:59:40 359,022 491
jan649 11/17/2012 [12/19/2012] 0:061:19:10:34 255,835 309
Lighthouse 11/11/2012 [12/17/2012] 0:331:12:48:22 1,192,262 1,269
LoneWolf_53 11/18/2012 [11/26/2012] 0:267:20:14:43 1,177,938 1,307
STEMulateOrg 12/27/2011 111:036:01:39:38 206,686,039 325,852
sunfolk 11/17/2012 [12/01/2012] 0:025:16:30:20 108,291 151
TGWakko 11/18/2012 [11/30/2012] 0:110:14:36:57 641,606 1,203
TLD 11/17/2012 [12/01/2012] 0:059:15:39:07 162,988 202
USAFA 82 11/18/2012 [11/26/2012] 0:086:09:52:06 510,674 795

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