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Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: South Africa
Statistics last updated: 10/14/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [11 hour(s) ago]
Page of 2 | Records 1 to 50 - 63 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
pieter kotze 11/21/2005 168:323:14:12:14 154,364,289 299,534
wchaplin 09/20/2005 123:133:23:31:58 129,421,434 225,096
needlestack 03/04/2009 74:107:20:20:48 132,315,136 221,217
Warped@RSA 01/15/2006 66:310:20:42:26 101,780,486 210,032
rvsuilic 01/07/2006 59:093:22:01:57 94,639,154 171,979
aardvarg 01/25/2007 46:352:08:47:45 94,216,856 169,166
Stikker 05/17/2007 38:085:08:14:00 87,503,760 137,660
SpookZA 01/26/2014 35:078:11:08:44 77,875,964 126,493
Smittie2000 07/20/2010 45:290:17:20:42 66,318,794 110,577
NightCushion 07/09/2023 24:313:07:19:05 41,965,577 81,099
@lexander 12/10/2012 44:293:22:03:34 53,502,336 81,080
Zapnologica 08/22/2014 26:358:14:06:13 49,812,229 72,592
ZoeF 10/20/2014 14:347:16:40:06 67,213,465 69,210
staplin_za 02/08/2014 [04/01/2020] 12:053:11:45:50 26,326,666 48,096
beyerro 02/09/2011 23:104:17:51:21 30,100,003 47,911
xionkzn 04/17/2010 17:049:14:17:16 26,488,693 47,546
justanoob 09/28/2014 8:207:00:12:51 20,878,076 44,532
Evans WCG 07/11/2017 8:137:22:31:14 28,987,383 36,020
Neil Store 11/20/2008 10:345:13:07:36 16,189,355 34,473
Steoliv1 05/22/2018 9:263:22:14:40 19,240,754 31,153
LyntonDicks 11/01/2007 [07/12/2012] 9:295:08:19:22 12,373,937 26,857
gerickejl 11/24/2004 10:030:21:59:41 24,642,146 24,165
shackcat 02/24/2011 7:127:03:39:49 17,118,754 24,023
ianvisagie 11/29/2017 8:159:20:04:26 12,759,762 22,087
wcg123321 02/16/2019 7:175:23:25:19 13,392,836 21,197
britsfp 08/16/2016 9:172:10:16:50 9,377,949 17,295
mcchots 11/17/2008 6:244:17:06:21 9,263,481 16,755
NeO0727 08/16/2009 2:196:04:52:35 10,003,316 16,117
cobuso 08/11/2005 5:014:09:11:27 9,124,874 14,452
robertbeyer 03/10/2020 4:302:06:07:37 7,793,123 13,036
Lourie 11/06/2006 6:074:14:57:40 6,716,696 11,717
spoons.rchq 08/10/2016 2:299:07:24:04 5,152,367 9,880
WarEmperor 04/21/2016 [07/23/2017] 3:288:13:03:49 6,819,146 9,750
andybeak 03/29/2012 3:183:01:51:20 5,959,267 9,203
Yoda101 11/20/2018 3:100:08:44:23 5,319,441 7,812
Hugh Hodge 03/02/2009 3:150:05:59:56 3,673,373 6,528
wildcardtheory 03/18/2021 [06/24/2021] 1:044:16:17:42 4,024,100 6,480
jcgoris 02/23/2016 2:270:17:53:26 4,343,285 5,893
NundhaK 09/23/2012 3:017:08:58:25 2,903,193 4,967
ice_blade_za 04/03/2013 1:130:18:53:59 3,107,071 4,540
WarPhantom 04/21/2016 [07/23/2017] 1:094:13:45:35 2,481,611 3,598
Johan Jordaan 04/09/2009 2:018:01:29:00 1,276,935 2,552
Jacey Groenewald 04/11/2020 0:242:21:36:43 5,871,480 2,449
bosaap 10/14/2010 0:312:05:19:06 1,190,920 1,967
Nundha 10/10/2019 1:003:16:49:22 1,039,188 1,790
SupremeLemon 07/02/2015 0:187:09:47:30 576,439 1,201
vgassj01 09/28/2010 0:154:10:59:00 395,075 876

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