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13 Jul 2021 – July Update: Microbiome Immunity Project
As we announced last month, the Microbiome Immunity Project's time on World Community Grid is ending, but their data analysis is in full swing. This will be the final monthly update for this project.  
  Tags: Research Call Notes
08 Jul 2021 – Approximately 300 million small molecules run for OpenPandemics - COVID-19 as part of system test
The recent stress test run on World Community Grid allowed the researchers to quickly run simulations for 300 million small molecules.  
  Tags: Project Update
01 Jul 2021 – Meet the newest member of the Help Stop TB research team
The researchers recently welcomed a new team member who will be designing machine-learning approaches.  
  Tags: Project Update
24 Jun 2021 – June Update: OpenPandemics - COVID-19
The researchers are beginning to analyze the enormous amount of data generated during last month's stress test, when 30,000 batches of work were run in eight days.  
  Tags: Research Call Notes
22 Jun 2021 – June Update: Mapping Cancer Markers
Looking for an additional project to support? Please add Mapping Cancer Markers to your list.  
  Tags: Research Call Notes
16 Jun 2021 – June Update: Help Stop TB
With the recent addition of a new permanent team member, the researchers can begin leveraging machine learning techniques to help with data analysis.  
  Tags: Research Call Notes
10 Jun 2021 – June Update: Africa Rainfall Project
A research team member hits an important academic milestone this month.  
  Tags: Research Call Notes
09 Jun 2021 – Planned Maintenance on Thursday, June 10 [Completed]
We are updating the operating system on our servers on Thursday, June 10, beginning at 13:00 UTC.  
  Tags: Technical Issue
08 Jun 2021 – June Update: Microbiome Immunity Project
Four years of volunteer computing power helped predict more than 330,000 protein structures. Now, the project's time on World Community Grid is coming to a close. But the data analysis and publication are just beginning.  
  Tags: Research Call Notes
02 Jun 2021 – Planned Maintenance on Friday, June 4 [Completed]
We are updating the operating system on our servers on Friday, June 4, beginning at 14:00 UTC.  
  Tags: Website Update

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